Metal buildings are a significant investment. They’re sturdy and make a statement. But how much does one of these babies cost? An excellent approach to finding out how much you’ll part with for a metal building is to consult a professional and knowledgeable builder such as Flagship Metal Structures.

It’s a big ask to provide a price list or quote a figure if all the variables aren’t aligned. But typically, the cost of putting up a commercial metal building ranges from $10 to $25 per square foot. The price could be lower or even as much as five times more depending on multiple factors, as we’re about to outline:

a. Prevailing Metal Prices

The steel market is highly volatile and ever-changing, impacting your structure’s cost. Thus, if the prices are high, it’s safe to assume that you’ll incur higher material charges. Similarly, builders use various types of steel in construction, each with its price point. This will play into how much you ultimately pay.

b. Size of the Building

The dimensions of the building are a significant factor you need to consider. Larger buildings will require more steel – implying they’ll be more expensive. For instance, a 40×60-foot building would set you back around $36,000, while a 30×50 building could cost around $25,000.

In the same vein, commercial structures tend to be taller – to cater to things like overhead cranes – which means they will use more steel and be pricier than, say, a residential garage.

c. Building Use and Design

How you intend to use the building is also a deciding factor. Expect to pay more if you need a building with specific design requirements, such as a high ceiling or many doors. In short, the style of your structure will impact its cost.

For instance, if the building is meant for use by employees, you’ll need to factor in aspects such as restrooms, HVAC, plumbing, and insulation – all of which come at an additional cost.

Similarly, a building that houses heavy machinery will need a stronger foundation and frame, adding to the price tag. In short, if you plan to build a customized structure with many features, be prepared to pay more.

On the flip side, a more straightforward design will be cheaper. The bottom line is that the more complex the building, the higher the price tag.

d. Location

Where you plan to construct the building also factors into the overall equation. The price will be lower if the site is easily accessible and doesn’t require much excavation or other preparatory work. However, if the land is hard to reach or you need to remove a lot of rocks or other obstacles as you prepare the site, the cost will be higher.

Similarly, if you live in an area with a high demand for steel buildings – such as in the aftermath of a hurricane – you can expect a spike in costs due to increased demand.

Let’s also not forget that the cost of living and doing business in certain parts of the country is higher than in others. If you’re building in an urban area, for instance, building costs would be higher than in a rural setup.

e. Permits and Zoning

Every construction project requires relevant permits and licenses, which can differ from one jurisdiction to the next. Sometimes, you might need a permit just to construct the foundation, while approval for the entire project may suffice in other areas.  Similarly, zoning regulations can influence how much you pay for your metal building.

For instance, if you’re building in a conservation area or close to a protected wetland, you might have to adhere to some special regulations. This could add to the construction cost, as you might need to use certain materials or follow specific protocols.

f. Labor Costs

The amount you pay for labor will depend on the number of workers required and the firm you hire. Larger buildings need more workers, implying you’ll have to shell out more money. Generally, more experienced and reputable firms tend to charge more than their less illustrious counterparts.

Perhaps, it’s because they have a better understanding of the market and can thus command a higher price. What’s more, these firms are also more likely to use high-quality materials, which can add to the cost. Similarly, if your area has a high cost of living, expect to pay more for labor than if you were building in a less expensive location.

It’s hard to provide a catalog of prices for metal buildings in light of all the variables at play – as we noted earlier. Thus, for a more accurate estimate, speak to a professional steel building supplier. They can give you a more tailored quote based on the specific details of your project.

By Manali