Almost every business needs to maintain inventory to streamline warehouse operations. However, it is not a cakewalk! Business owners usually find it challenging to maintain their warehouse and store inventory properly. Probably you have also landed up here looking for the right solution for your inventory management needs. If so, pallet racking is all you need!

Pallet racks are the racks or stands where pallets can be stored. These have been used for storing goods and cargo-particularly a significant number of large and heavy items used in warehouses, factories, and farms in many industries throughout the world. These racks are excellent for managing space within the warehouse as they can efficiently hold hundreds of pallets, depending on the size. 

Pallet rack systems come in numerous styles and types- light/heavy duty, open/closed tubes, and selective pallet rack systems. Therefore, it becomes essential to know which is suitable for your material handling needs, and of course, for your pocket and the safety of your workers. So to find out more about pallet racks, continue reading!

Different types of pallet racking systems

The top five most popular pallet racks available on the market are:

Push back racking/ Back racking

Push-back racks are the ultimate racking solution that helps you deal with limited storage space. So in case you have a lack of space, push-back racking can help. In these systems, pallets are loaded on carts or trays that ride on rails in the rack’s frame and are then easily pushed back, hence the name. Moreover, it supports FILO (First In Last Out) warehousing systems and allows multiple-sized pallets to be placed simultaneously on a shelf.

Double-Deep Racking

Just like push-back racking systems, double deep racking supports the FILO approach in each slot. These racks allow storage up to 85 to 90% and are ideal for a warehouse with more palettes per stock keeping unit (SKU). That means if you need higher storage density, double deep racking systems can help. 

Selective racking

Selective pallet racks are the most common and inexpensive warehouse racking system designed to organise goods and get pallets up and off the floor. They are available in the largest selection of sizes and designs; moreover, they can be custom designed to cater to your business’s specific needs. Selective racking systems are your best bet if you need a system that offers immediate access to your goods. 

Pallet flow rack

Like push-back racking systems, pallet flow racks also push the pallets, but it operates with gravity and rollers. These racks are built with a slight angle so that when the products are loaded from the backside, they automatically slide forward and reach the front of the shelf. Unlike other rack systems, these racks are loaded from the rear side of the frame instead of the front. Hence, these racking solutions are best for FIFO (First In, First Out) warehousing systems. 

Drive-in/ drive-thru rack

The drive-in/ drive-thru racking system can store up to 75% more pallets than any conventional racking solution. Yes, you read it right! These are the most high-density storage solutions available for warehousing. As they are intended to hold more load, they are built to be highly rigid and sturdy. These racking systems are called compact racking as they help fully utilise the warehouse space. So if you have a space shortage, installing drive-in/ drive-thru racks can benefit you. 

Now that you are familiar with the different pallet racking systems available, you might think about which would be the best for you. If so, there are a few factors to consider when choosing which style of racking is right for your warehouse:

  • The storage density required
  • Space availability
  • Size and weight of the inventory and the inventory accessibility requirements

So before you make your final decision, don’t forget to consider these factors. 

By Manali