Marriage is the union of two people with different personalities coming together to spend the rest of their lives with each other. No marriage has ever been considered perfect. 

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Every marriage, every couple is unique in their way. But beware that whatever worked for your parents, close friends might not work for you in your marriage.

On this note, I will share with you 8 keys to a successful marriage to make your union a memorable one.

Be intentional about your marriage 

Experiences gained in marriage are learned by trial and error. Of course, everyone wants to be happy, but it is not all about happiness. It’s the willful efforts put in place by both parties to make it an excellent union no matter the inevitable marital issues. 

Effective communication 

A marriage built on communication is a successful one. You can be each other’s best friend and good listener by communicating about your feelings clearly. It is advisable to be respectful to your partner while doing so. Pass information to each other using body language. For instance, narrowing the eyes, smirking, rolling the eyes, folding arms, etc.

Learn how to let go

Forgiveness is vital in every marriage. Your spouse is not perfect, he/she can hurt your feelings. Forgive them by letting go and not bring up the past. Also, support each other emotionally in every way possible. 

Always show gratitude

Sometimes, you can take your partner out on a romantic date and tell him/her, how grateful you are for accepting you to be their husband/wife. Reignite the fire of intimacy that was there while in courtship. There is always that need to feel valued by your partner. Shower praises on each other every day.

Share in family responsibilities

Do not be the type that leaves everything to your wife or husband. Domestic chores should be done by both partners. This is a great key to a successful marriage because while doing that it keeps the family bond alive.

Learn how to cope with each other weaknesses

Coming from diverse backgrounds will bring about different individual personality traits. Do not be the type that finds faults in everything that your partner does. It will result in bitterness which is not healthy in a marriage. The best solution is to focus on their strengths not on their shortcomings.

Be emotionally stable

We often ask ourselves ‘why did I marry him/her?. Letting our emotions get the best of us. Your stability emotionally, financially, relational, matters a lot in your marriage. If not taken into consideration it will either make or mar you. Don’t expect too much from your partner.

Love your partner unconditionally

Marriage is a wonderful alliance when you love your spouse selflessly. You go to the extra mile of making sure their needs are met before any other thing. Your love for your partner should be patient, exceptional, kind, and empathetic.

By Manali